Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Growing Boy and Weather Changes

I took Caleb to the doctor yesterday for his 4 month checkup and vaccinations.  He is such a big boy.  He is in the 95th percentile on weight and off the charts on height!! 

He weighed in at 17 lbs 12.6 oz and is now 27 1/4 inches long!  We are going to have a tall boy on our hands.  My dad's dream of a 6'5" left handed Cardinals pitcher just might come true! 

Caleb also got his vaccines yesterday and hated the shots.  As a mamma, I can't stand to see my little one in pain.  His face was so pitiful when it scrunched up and the tears started flowing.  Poor thing!

Our weather is starting to change here in St. Louis.  The cold fall weather is setting in FINALLY!  I do enjoy the cold weather until Christmas.  After that, I'm ready for spring again!  Too bad St. Louis likes the cold weather through March and sometimes into April! BOO!  St. Louis and I are just not meshing on this weather aspect!

We are preparing for Thanksgiving next week that we will host at our home with both sides of our families attending!  I'm very much looking forward to having everyone in our home for this wonderful holiday.  I do believe Thanksgiving has become one of my favorite holidays.  I love that its a time to count all of our blessings (and there are many!) and to be Thankful for what God has given us.  It's also one of the few holidays when gifts are not a requirement, which I love! We are cutting back on Christmas gifts this year.  I think Christmas has gotten way out of control in our "consumeristic" society. We are going with more homemade gifts this year for everyone.  My husband and I set a $25 limit for each other and we are trying to see how much (mostly homemade) we can give to other for just $25!  It's actually become a game and is quite fun to try to outdo the other! ;)

Anyway, I hope you have a lovely week wherever you are.  If your weather is cooling down, don't be sad.  Enjoy the crisp fall air and take a walk with your family or just enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate inside will reading a book. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Keeping Me Humble

So today was the day I have been dreading for the past 2 weeks.  We had several appointments at Children's Hospital today for Caleb.  Here is what our schedule looked like...

9am - Physical Therapy
10:30am - Radiology
11:30am - Appointment in Plastics

Now for any young child this would be quite a challenge, but Caleb is only 4 months old, therefore I knew that for mom it would be a juggling act to try to keep him fed and changed and forget the normal morning nap he takes...that was out the window.

Well, all said and done, appointments went well.  Caleb was fitted for his helmet and will get it on the  day before Thanksgiving.  If you didn't know, Caleb has what is called torticollis, which is basically the tightening of neck muscles.  He has been seeing a physical therapist for about 2 1/2 months now and is getting much better.  We were told today that he will probably finish up in about a month and a half with his physical therapy! YAY for that!

But...the torticollis caused him to look to his left ALL THE TIME when he was really young, which in turn caused the left side of his head to become flattened.  It was bad enough for our pediatrician to recommend that he wear a helmet.  So today we also got fitted for his helmet. 

By the time we were leaving the hospital, Caleb was tired, hungry and very cranky and so was I.  We had a 15 minute trek back to our car in the parking garage and we both just wanted to get home.  I was in an awful mood when I walked by something that brought me back to Earth.  There was a sweet little girl who was giggling in the hallway playing with an electronic dog that she was moving with a remote control.  She couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old.  You see, this wasn't just a cute little girl.  This little girl had cancer because most of her hair had fallen out.  I quickly teared up and had to turn away and walk in the other direction.

Yes, my son has a flat head.  Yes, he has to wear a helmet.  But who cares.  This is something that can be fixed.  It's not life threatening.  It's not going to cause him any severe damage.  He will be okay.  He will grow up.  He will be a healthy, happy little boy.  But this little girl will not go home tonight.  She won't go home tomorrow night or the next night.  She might never go home at all.  She will probably live a lot of her life in that hospital trying to get better.  And by God's grace she will get better.  But, she might not.  I am so grateful to God for the healthy little boy I have. 

There is nothing more real than a child with cancer to keep you humble.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.  I will be spending a part of it with family from out of town so I won't be posting again until Monday.

God Bless You!
The Stearns Family

Monday, November 7, 2011

Blog Beginnings

Hi! We are the Stearns family and welcome to our family blog! I am going to make every effort to update this blog at least once each week to inform you of the happenings our our household!  Let me begin by telling you a little bit about our family...

I'm Kaitlin...Christian, wife, stay-at-home mom, homemaker, money saver, baker, family budget, reader, crafter, sewer, and organizer.  I could spend all day in my tiny basement craft room sewing and crafting away.  I love every second of being a stay at home mom to my baby boy, Caleb who is my pride and joy.  I have the most wonderful, gracious, kind, and endearing husband on the face of the earth.  He is my rock, the one I can turn to no matter what the situation.  I don't know where I would be without him.

Tom...Christian, husband, father, landscape designer, and woodworker (when we have spare time and money).  He enjoys running, lifting weights, playing video games, spending time with his family, and Friday nights!  He is the family provider and our stable rock. 

Caleb...(aka Little "C" or Little Man), pooper, smiler, crier, screamer, giggler, and our precious baby boy.  He is the light of our lives and we are enjoying every minute as we watch him grow up.  He has brought so much joy to our lives and has changed us both for the better.  We both want to be better people because of this little guy.  God new what he was doing when he brought Caleb into our lives.

Baxter...the newest addition to the Stearns family is our goldendoodle puppy Baxter.  He is, as Tom would say, "sinfully ornery."  He is all puppy, that's for sure! He loves to play with his toys and enjoys a frolic in the back yard on nice brisk fall days while he jumps in the leaves.  I'm sure he and Caleb will grow up to be great buddies.

Our family lives in a suburb outside of St. Louis, MO, but we dream of living in a farm house in the country.  One day, I know our dream will come true.  We are enjoying our time in this chapter of our lives and look forward to what God has in store for us in the future.  I hope you continue to return for updates on our family as we grow in our faith and raise our family to love Jesus Christ.