Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Caleb 10 1/2 Month Update

Caleb is closing in on 11 months and I can't believe how big he is getting! He is really walking well and I think very close to taking his first solo steps.

I had a wonderful 1st Mother's Day spent at home with my 2 favorite boys (plus my favorite dog, Baxter)!

 On May 26th, my sister-in-law married her fiance Ryan! We are so so happy for both of them! Here are a few pictures from the rehearsal! Unfortunately, I was so busy the day of the wedding (I was the matron of honor) I forgot to take a single picture. :(

In March I went to a consignment sale in Chesterfield where I found this Mega Bloks wagon full of Mega Bloks for only $4.  I picked it up thinking Caleb would like to play with the blocks.  Boy was I wrong!  He could care less about the blocks right now, but loves it when Mom or Dad pulls him around in his wagon!

 He laughs and giggles as we pull him all around the house.
 He recently discovered the toilet and all of its fascinating tricks.  He learned how to flush the toilet the other day and is going so far as to lift the lid slightly only to slam it down on his poor little fingers. :(
 Needless to say, I made a quick trip over to Babies R Us yesterday to pick up a baby-proofing toilet bowl lid thingy!
 His Gramma brought over this little car a few months ago, but Caleb has been just a bit too young to rid on it...until now! He is beginning to learn how to move it himself! YAY Caleb!

In other news, we found out that Caleb has to have his tongue clipped.  He has been having trouble swallowing solid foods and more or less refuses anything that is not liquified. We went to see a speech pathologist who performed a swallow study last week and apparently his tongue is too attached to the bottom of his mouth, if that makes sense.  We are currently trying to make an appointment at Children's Hospital to have surgery done.  Poor kid has had it rough the past few months between his tongue and the helmet! :(

He is definitely a happy child and enjoys spending time with his Mommy and Daddy.  He loves to play with his ball which he can throw and roll around now.  He is also walking great on his walker and is very close to taking his first steps.  Any day now, Caleb, any day! :)